
Having some issues? Something not quite working right? Post your problems here and we'll try and get to them as soon as possible.

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's Avatar

No search box

resolved 1 18 Nov, 2015 08:53 PM by lsegal
Hernán L. Pereira's Avatar

Docs not updating

open 0 09 Nov, 2015 07:20 PM by Hernán L. Pereira
's Avatar

Your compiler is barfing

open 1 29 Oct, 2015 08:34 PM by lsegal
's Avatar

docs brokens

open 1 22 Oct, 2015 07:22 PM by lsegal
Kostia's Avatar

Rubydoc links to outdated gem version

resolved 1 29 Sep, 2015 02:19 PM by nap
Kostia's Avatar offline

open 1 29 Sep, 2015 02:17 PM by nap
's Avatar

Show document which is not latest version

resolved 1 29 Sep, 2015 02:08 PM by nap
cmcfee's Avatar

Documents not updating

resolved 6 29 Sep, 2015 01:31 AM by nap
cmcfee's Avatar

Documents still not updating

open 0 28 Sep, 2015 04:01 PM by cmcfee
's Avatar

Links to Github are wrong

open 0 16 Sep, 2015 07:43 PM by
's Avatar

Using YARD plugins

open 1 11 Sep, 2015 08:53 PM by lsegal
Corey Purcell's Avatar

Removing a gem from

open 2 03 Sep, 2015 09:23 PM by Corey Purcell
's Avatar

PG documentation out of date

open 2 17 Aug, 2015 02:02 PM by Finzel, Jeremy
's Avatar

Generating docs for a branch

open 0 09 Aug, 2015 10:16 PM by notreal
's Avatar

Have some trema pages been removed?

open 0 29 Jul, 2015 05:19 AM by vessel.bum1077
's Avatar

fibonaccia doc not building, cannot add project

resolved 4 24 Jul, 2015 03:45 PM by nap
's Avatar

Cannot page down with space

open 0 05 Jul, 2015 04:20 PM by mike
Corey Csuhta's Avatar

gems/tolaria spinning for 6+ hours

resolved 1 20 Jun, 2015 05:49 PM by nap
's Avatar

undefined method 'parameters' for #<yardoc class DailyAffirmation::Validators::ExclusionValidator>

open 1 19 Jun, 2015 12:11 AM by lsegal
's Avatar

error generating docs

open 1 08 Jun, 2015 06:09 PM by lsegal
's Avatar

Rubydoc's Stdlib section is down

resolved 1 30 May, 2015 08:40 PM by lsegal
's Avatar

pages are hanging

resolved 1 30 May, 2015 08:40 PM by lsegal
's Avatar

method async? not loading

resolved 3 27 May, 2015 02:01 AM by lsegal
's Avatar

have_many links gives OOPS

resolved 3 26 May, 2015 11:43 PM by lsegal
's Avatar

Documentation Not Finding Github Pages

open 4 08 May, 2015 12:42 AM by lsegal
Colin Bell's Avatar

Invalid git repository or URL

resolved 1 09 Apr, 2015 10:10 AM by nap
noah.easterly's Avatar

{} including's, not the in my gem

open 1 08 Mar, 2015 12:43 AM by lsegal
's Avatar

CMD click links from class list not respected

open 0 18 Feb, 2015 10:27 AM by elia
's Avatar

Gem uploaded, 'Oops not found' on docco link

resolved 1 06 Feb, 2015 10:04 PM by nap
's Avatar

broken link

resolved 2 04 Feb, 2015 11:14 PM by Will I Am

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