502 trying to hit rubydoc.info
When I try accessing my (and others) gem or Github docs, I get the following webpage:
RubyDoc is having trouble with this request
Please visit Help & Support if this issue persists.
Error code: 503
This happens most of the time but not all the time; but definitely enough for it to be a major issue. I basically can't browse API docs, hindering development.
I can confirm that my docs can be served and browsed locally using the yard
tool and as I've already said, I've seen this issue with other people's docs also.
It feels like the servers might be getting hammered with requests effectively causing a denial of service. This would explain why the site works occasionally.
Is anybody else seeing this issue?
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1 Posted by Michael Telford on 02 Dec, 2019 05:01 PM
My docs (that I'm trying to visit) are at:
Also, I incorrectly put 502 in the title, it's 503 as can be seen in the description.
Support Staff 2 Posted by lsegal on 03 Dec, 2019 07:39 PM
There should be some improvements to this. I'm going to close but please follow along and re-open if you see this as bad or worse in the coming days!
lsegal closed this discussion on 03 Dec, 2019 07:39 PM.