Missing documentation for multiple gems

alexander.pepper's Avatar


15 Nov, 2012 02:46 PM

Hi there,

I have three gems which got released on rubygems.org two days ago, which contain yard documentation. But this documentation does not show up in rubydoc.info.

The gems are infopark_rails_connector, infopark_fiona_connector and infopark_cloud_connector.

If I follow the documentation link on https://rubygems.org/gems/infopark_rails_connector it leads to http://rubydoc.info/gems/infopark_rails_connector/ . But this site states "Oops, We Couldn't Find That Gem".

When I install the gem (gem install infopark_rails_connector --pre) it compiles the correct yard doc. When I run the yard command with that same state as the published gem, it prints some warnings, but also proceeds. This is the log:

rails_connector ±dev⚡ » bundle exec yard
[warn]: In file `lib/rails_connector/cms_accessible.rb':5: Cannot resolve link to ensure_object_is_permitted from text:
[warn]: {ensure_object_is_permitted}...
[warn]: In file `lib/rails_connector/cms_accessible.rb':5: Cannot resolve link to ensure_object_is_active from text:
[warn]: ...{ensure_object_is_active}...
[warn]: In file `lib/rails_connector/cms_accessible.rb':57: Cannot resolve link to ensure_object_is_permitted from text:
[warn]: {ensure_object_is_permitted}...
[warn]: In file `lib/rails_connector/cms_accessible.rb':57: Cannot resolve link to ensure_object_is_active from text:
[warn]: ...{ensure_object_is_active}...
[warn]: In file `app/helpers/rails_connector/display_helper.rb':37: Cannot resolve link to MarkerHelper#edit_marker from text:
[warn]: {MarkerHelper#edit_marker}...
Files:          48
Modules:        33 (    7 undocumented)
Classes:        22 (    5 undocumented)
Constants:       2 (    1 undocumented)
Methods:        91 (   11 undocumented)
 83.78% documented

Can you take a closer look, what is going wrong there?

The other two gems:
* https://rubygems.org/gems/infopark_fiona_connector points to http://rubydoc.info/gems/infopark_fiona_connector/
* https://rubygems.org/gems/infopark_cloud_connector points to http://rubydoc.info/gems/infopark_cloud_connector/

  1. 1 Posted by alexander.peppe... on 19 Nov, 2012 03:45 PM

    alexander.pepper's Avatar

    Any updates?

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by lsegal on 21 Nov, 2012 06:51 PM

    lsegal's Avatar

    Sorry about not responding:

    Your rubygems versioning scheme is causing RubyGems to recognize your gems as pre-release versions because of the use of non-numeric characters in the last component (or any component). rubydoc.info doesn't include pre-release versions, because this information is not available in our version list from RG.

    You will have to make a non-pre release to get yard to pick these up.

  3. 3 Posted by alexander.peppe... on 26 Nov, 2012 08:45 AM

    alexander.pepper's Avatar

    Hey Loren,

    thank you for that. Now that we change the version number to something less "pre-release" it's working as intended.

    Greetings from Berlin,

  4. lsegal closed this discussion on 20 Mar, 2013 06:57 PM.

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